Battle Gear 2 Ps2 Isos
I wanted to shed some light on how to add a PS3 and/or PS2 to your racing cabinet. I have completely rewritten my post with updated information.This of course requires that your cabinet uses a ps3 or PS2 compatible steering wheel. For this tutorial, I will be testing everything with my logitech driving force gt.
Result may vary if you use a different wheel.Connecting your wheel to your PC and PS3/PS2Option 1: Using a USB Switch (untested by me but, it should work as it is the same premise as option 2)Option 2: Using USB extension cables. It's the cheaper route and the extension cables means you dont have to go the back of your PC or Console (For example, I have my extension cable in my Control Panel, When I want to switch, I lift my CP, unplug my wheel from one ext cable and into the other). Its not perfect but, it takes seconds and I dont have to move my cabinet to get to the back of the PC.PS3 BackgroundAll phat ps3 and some ps3 slims (must be made before July 2010) can be jailbroken to play ps3 backups and ps2 backups. (No super slim PS3 can be jailbroken) This tutorial will not cover how to jailbreak your ps3. I had mine done by someone on Craigslist for $50. There are two ways ps2 backups can be played on the PS3 (Hardware and Software).
The only PS3s that offer hardware playback are model numbers CECHAxx and CECHBxx(These are preferable and are normally sold at a premium). PS2 Software playback was offered by Sony on model number CECHCxx and CECHExx only but, thanks to advances in the Jailbreak community, all jailbreakable PS3s can now have ps2 Software playback using Custom Firmware. You can also go the full legal route and just hookup your PS3 into your cabinet but, it you will need to access it every time to change disc games and PS2 playback is only available in the first two models. The PS3 is not region locked so, you can play original Japanese racing games without having to mod your PS3.Software playback is essentially a ps2 emulator made by Sony for the PS3.
It does not have 100% compatibility, some games will not play at all and some will have graphical issue and/or playback issue. More importantly, since it is an emulator, it does not have peripheral support for PS2, meaning STEERING WHEELS ARE NOT SUPPORTED ON NON-BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE PS3(PS2 Software versions).

I sadly had to learn this the hard way. My PS3 slim will load ps2 games but, it will not recognize my steering wheel as a steering wheel(it sees it a regular dualshock controller) which makes it useless for playing ps2 racing games. If you want to buy a PS3 to play PS2 racing games with your steering wheel, you must purchase a model that uses hardware playback (model numbers CECHAxx or CECHBxx ONLY)PS3 CFWOnce jailbroken, you can install a custom firmware that adds features like playing PS3 backups and PS2 backups. If you are looking for simplicity, I recommend any custom firmware that includes 'Cobra'.
CFW infused with Cobra add additional features including playing games in ISO format (makes life easier) and other options like loading games from your network or NTFS HDD.For Non-backward Compatible PS3 I recommend 'Habib's 4.55 CFW with Cobra' (Has PS2 ISO playback for NON-Backward Compatible only). For Backward Compatible PS3s, i recommend 'HABIB 4.46 V1.03A COBRA EDITION' (this version has PS2 ISO playback on Backward Compatible PS3(hardware version) so, its perfect for playing ps3 and ps2 racing games). I didnt want to get the usb switch because i was worried it would not break power contact which is needed to reset the wheel. The usb switch should do that but, I didnt want to spend $20 to find out. Plus I already had one usb extension cable so $5$20.for artwork, i just google with preferences set to large.
Outrun 2 is new enough that you will plenty of hi-res currently running team zero 4.55 cfw atm. I am thinking about updating to habib cobra 4.55 because a cobra infused cfw allows you to boot ps2 isos directly from the HDD so there is no need for make PS2 placeholders like I did. But on the other hand, I get to make the artwork for the ps2 placeholder so its prettier than just booting initiald.iso from a list. Another small update: NetbootingThe Bad news: I went a bit crazy with the games and went over what my 160gb ps3 could hold so I bought an external HDD (1tb WD element USB 3.0).
But i ran into an issue, the HDD was not compatible with the PS3. It couldn't pull enough juice out of the usb port to power it. It would see it an unknown usb device.
Battle Gear 2 Game

I google around and saw others had a similar issue and fixed it by getting a powered usb hub. I didnt feel like spending more money so, I searched for alternative.The Good news: After searching, I found a solution that was even better than my original idea.
Certain CFW can load games from a network drive. So I updated my CFW to Habib's Cobra 4.55 and now I can load ps3, ps2 and psp games/isos for my network. Ps2 isos means I no longer have to manually make a placeholder on the dashboard for each game, just select and play. Even better my ext hdd does not need to a special format so I can use it a regular hdd for my PC without issue at the exact same time.The Worse news: Some older ps2 games with steering wheel compatibility recognize my driving force gt wheel but not my pedals. I think my wheel is too new (in comparison to the game) and the game is looking for the original force gt wheel configuration. I will have time to test all the games on the weekend to give you guys a compatibility list.
SAD UPDATE:I was worried when 2 games wouldn't recognize my wheel as a wheel (it would see it as a reg controller) and my worst nightmare has been realized. I can now confirm that NO PS2 GAMES will see my wheel as driving force wheel.
It seems that it is a limitation of the sony ps2 emulator and not of CFW. I did some research and it seem that no ps2 peripherals work in emulation mode so, its not specific to my wheel, CFW or ps2 game.PSN GAMES and PS3 games read my wheel just fine so, i will keep the ps3 but, im going to go back to my original plan to mod my original PS2 system to netboot. Now my wheel will run triple duty in my cabinet. PS3 system, PS2 system and PC.For information sake, the following PSN games read my Driving force GT without issue.Outrun Online ArcadeDaytona USA OnlineSega Rally OnlineThe PSN version of Crazy Taxi does not have wheel support.
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My MCBOOT memory card arrived today and i got it up and running right away. Games are currently running off a USB thumb drive. I tried network loading today but it wasnt working. I will try again but i think im just going to stick an old IDE harddrive in there for simplicity. The best part is that games see my steering wheel as a steering wheel and not just a Dualshock controller (the issue i ran into when loading ps2 games on my PS3).
I can finally race with my wheel.I will update this thread with the stuff need to get a ps2 and/or ps3 running in your cab. I think im going to have all 3 in my cab. Ps2/ps3/PC and just use usb extension cable to quickly plug my wheel into whatever im in the mood to play.Ignore the mess. The control panel is currently being redone to incorporate my new wheel.
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The PS2 and PS3 will ofcourse be hidden once im done setting up. This is Initial D running of the USB stick on my PS2. Ive compiled a steering wheel compatibility list. I also change my original post to reflect everything ive learned the last two weeksThis was tested with a Logitech Driving Force GT.