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Additional pluginspylintdjango.checkers.dbperformance looks for migrations which add newmodel fields and these fields have a default value. According tothis may have performance penalties especially on large tables.

The prefered wayis to add a new DB column with null=True because it will be created instantlyand then possibly populate the table with the desired default values.Only the last migration from a sub-directory will be examined!This plugin is disabled by default! To enable it: pylint -load-plugins pylintdjango -load-plugins pylintdjango.checkers.dbperformance. Known issuesIf you reference foreign-key models by their name (as string) pylint-django may not beable to find the model and will report issues because it has no idea what the underlyingtype of this field is. If your itself is not importing the foreign-key classthere’s probably some import problem (circular dependencies) preventing referencing theforeign-key class directly, in which case pylint-django can’t do a huge amount.If it’s just done for convenience that’s really up to you the developer to fix.

TestsThe structure of the test package follows that from pylint itself.It is fairly simple: create a module starting with func followed bya test name, and insert into it some code. Download mac os x 10.4 tiger. The tests will run pylintagainst these modules. Version 0.10.0 (10 April 2018). Remove the compatibility layer for older astroid versions. Make flake8 happy.
Fix. Fix: compatibility with Python. Version 0.8.0 (20 Jan 2018). This is the last version to support Python 2. Issues a deprecationwarning!., adding‘urlpatterns’, ‘register’, ‘appname’ to good names. Obsoletes, fixes(VinayPai).
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Add ‘handler500’ to good names (Mr. Senko).: Supportfactoryboy’s DjangoModelFactory Meta class (KonstantinosKoukopoulos).: FixE1101:Instance of ‘ proxy’ has no ‘format’ member’ when using.format on a ugettextlazy translation. Fixes(canarduck).: Add testsand transforms for DurationField, fixes(James M.Allen).: Add jsonfield to WSGIRequest proxy (sjk4sc).: Add supportfor django.contrib.postgres.fields and UUIDField (Villiers Strauss). Stop testing with older Django versions. Currently testing withDjango 1.11.x and 2.0.
Stop testing on Python 2, no functional changes in the source codethough. Update tests and require latest version of pylint (=1.8), fixes,. Fix‘duplicate-except’ false negative for except blocks which catch theDoesNotExist exception. Version 0.5.Improved handling of Django model fields.
Nowarning about missing unicode if the Django python3/2compatability tools are used.Improved handling of Django form fields.Improved handling of Django ImageField and FileField objects.Models which do not define unicode but whose parents do now havea new error (W5103) instead of incorrectly warning about nounicode being present. ForeignKey and OneToOneField fields on models are replacedwith instance of the type they refer to in the AST, which allowspylint to generate correct warnings about attributes they may or maynot have.