Create Srv Record Windows Dns Server

  1. Create Dns Srv Record
  2. Create Srv Record Windows Dns Server Software

Want more Win2K tips and tricks? For our free Windows 2000 Server newsletter, delivered each Tuesday! Service location (SRV) records in DNS offerflexibility for networks that contain multiple servers for aparticular service. One example of when SRV records come in handyis when you have multiple HTTP servers.SRV records let you easily move a service fromone host to another. Using SRV records, you can also designatespecific hosts as the primary host for a given service and othersas the secondary host.Resolvers that support SRV records submit arequest to the DNS server in the subject domain, requesting aspecific TCP/IP service, such as HTTP. The DNS server responds witha list of all servers in the domain that have a corresponding SRVrecord for the specified service. The client can then choose a hostbased on that list.To create an SRV record, follow thesesteps.

Open the DNS console on the server,right-click the location for the new record, and choose Other NewRecords. In the Resource Record Type dialog box,choose Service Location, and click Create Record. Select the predefined service type for theservice, and choose either TCP or UDP depending on the requirementsof the service. For the Priority value, specify an integerbetween 0 and 65535 to allocate a preference order for the targetserver.

A lower value gives the server a lower priority; the clientattempts connections starting with higher priority serversfirst. For the Weight value, specify an integerbetween 0 and 65535. When multiple servers have the same priority,the Weight value serves as a secondary priority indicator. DNSreturns hosts with a higher weight first to the client. To turn offweighting and improve SRV query response time, use a value of0.

SRV record is a DNS (Domain Name System) record used to identify the computers, servers which hosts specific servers. It also used to locate domain controllers for Active directory environment.This is very critical in a multiple site environment. In my last 2 articles I have explained about the multiple sites in a directory service environment. If you not read it yet you can find them in here.One of core reason for setting up a site environment is to direct them to the nearest servers for the services to improve the network operations.

For example Contoso Ltd. Have its HQ located in Washington DC. And it do have a branch in London UK.

They all are in same domain and two locations are connected via 256kb dedicated link. Now if it’s the regular setup, when user A from London office log in to the computer the authentication is checked by a server in HQ which is in Washington DC. It may still work but how about if it’s have 100+ users in branch office?

It will take time as well as the bandwidth from 256kb limited link. But with introducing site setup we can treat London office as different site and we can locate a domain controller in side that particular site. So users from London branch will use its own AD server to handle the authentication data.

This is where SRV records comes in to the picture.Even we knows the logical design of the network computers don’t understand them in same way. It only identifies the commands, data provided by the related services. So once workstation in London site try to communicate with DC, DC will reply with the name of the site it belongs to. Then client will make a DNS query again by passing the info including domain name and site it belongs to and locate the relevant DC for the site London rather than passing info to HQ DC.In DNS server by default system creates 2 SRV records to locate the service Kerberos and ldap.To create SRV record, In DNS manager right click on the DNS tree location you need to create SRV and then right click.


Create Dns Srv Record

Select “ Other New Records” from the list.Then from the list select the “ Service Location (SRV)” and click “Create Record” button.In a SRV record following information can specifyService – In here you can define the service this SRV records assign with. You can find the following list of services from the wizard.Protocol – We can define the protocol it will use.


Create Srv Record Windows Dns Server Software


It can be either TCP or UDP.Priority – here we can define the service priority if the service supports this function.Weight – This will help to define the order it should serve along with the similar type of records.Port number – it use to define the service port number.Host offering this service – It used to define the server offering this particular service. It needs to use FQDN.Once created a SRV record, Netlogon service reregister the SRV records. By default it happens in every 60 minute. If these needs to update immediately you can restart the netlogon service manually to do so.If you have any questions about the post feel free to contact me on