Download Os Bb 9550 Verizon Terbaru

Download Os Bb 9550 Verizon Terbaru 2017
New Verizon Storm2 OS build has been released as of today.BlackBerry Device Software v5.0 Release 1656 (updated )9550AMEAPBr5.0.0rel1656PL4.2.0.442A5.0.0.1015. Exe.Credit goes to RicanMedic78 for stumbling across this one tonight.Verizon Wireless is pleased to announce a new software update foryour BlackBerry Storm2™ smartphone. Way too many bug for them to release it. It's not that a lot (if not all) weren't fixed. It's that new ones were introduced. RIM and Verizon testers need to do two things. One, read Crackberry Findings/Fixes threads on leaked OSs more.
Two, they need to listen to us when we report these bugs directly and fix them instead of just saying 'oh, we can't duplicate them' or 'oh, we see that and we've added to the list of things to fix, but can't say what release that'll happen in'. That's bullisht! 1100+ builds of OS5 (since this specific bug surfaced) and something as simple as reversed smiley faces for 'Whew' and 'Straight Face' is still not fixed? And now when you start playing music via headphones you get your ears blown out by a speaker pop that happens when the port gets powered up.Wow Verizon. You blow at testing. You should have listened to us when we saw your leak 3 weeks ago and failed it.Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.comFantastic.the popping is there too?
Um yeah, I'm skipping this one again. I seriously don't get it. The bugs in this OS can be found in less than five minutes by an average (or less) user, but RIM released this to the carriers and Verizon tested it for weeks? And nobody notices this isht?Seriously, the next Storm better have QNX on it, it better work correctly, and RIM better get rid of the truncated email garbage (and some other things) or I'm going to do the unthinkable and jump to another platform.
Fantastic.the popping is there too? Um yeah, I'm skipping this one again. I seriously don't get it.
The bugs in this OS can be found in less than five minutes by an average (or less) user, but RIM released this to the carriers and Verizon tested it for weeks? And nobody notices this isht?Seriously, the next Storm better have QNX on it, it better work correctly, and RIM better get rid of the truncated email garbage (and some other things) or I'm going to do the unthinkable and jump to another platform.Why is it unthinkable? Just make the jump. I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab with a voice/data plan and it's very much a pleasure to use it for media, browsing and work purposes (if you can afford to take it slow).However it is much faster to navigate the BB OS and to hammer down schedules/tasks/notes and SMS/e-mail. Okay, so those few seconds shaved off are not going to make or break a million dollar contractual agreement for me, but with a tight schedule it helps a lot to keep myself focused through the day, getting new assignments along the way and profiling them in the appropriate categories pretty quickly. Trying to do that on the Tab breaks my momentum sometimes and leads to certain degree of frustration, and it's not because I'm unfamiliar with Android OS.
It's worse for iOS.However if your work doesn't revolve around a strangling schedule, I'm going to say an Android based device will be more suitable for you than the iPhone. Just my opinion.Last edited by Derwent Graphite; 11-25-10 at 04:50 AM. The broken 'Bedside Mode' made me RAGE.
There is a slight pop fizz when plugging in headphones, but I've always had that. It didn't blow out my ear drums or anything.What really makes me mad is that I haven't had time to read about leaks or anything, and I casually browse to CB and see an official release and decide to install it, being that it's official. I would not have installed this if I would have known about the bedside mode being broke.
I'll be reverting back when I get some time. What a pita!Last edited by RedlegOIF; 11-25-10 at 07:52 AM.
The broken 'Bedside Mode' made me RAGE. There is a slight pop fizz when plugging in headphones, but I've always had that. It didn't blow out my ear drums or anything.What really makes me mad is that I haven't had time to read about leaks or anything, and I casually browse to CB and see an official release and decide to install it, being that it's official. I would not have installed this if I would have known about the bedside mode being broke. I'll be reverting back when I get some time. What a pita!Not sure why people get so angry about these things.