Shapechanger Software
I want to write a simple text to speech program.First, I want to make the program play only the written symbol. For example, if I type 'a' I want the program to say 'a' (I have recorded all of them), so when I type a word, it should spell it.However, I am a beginner in C# and.Net and don't how to make the program understand the text I type. For example, in java I heard that there is a keyListener class, but I don't know which class should I use. I looked on MSDN but couldn't find it.Which class or function should I use to listen to typed keys? I suppose you are planning to use Windows Forms to achieve this.The solution would be pretty simple. These events include MouseDown, MouseUp, MouseMove, MouseEnter, MouseLeave, MouseHover, KeyPress, KeyDown, and KeyUp.
Each control has these events exposed. You just need to subscribe to it.Please refer to thisThere would be a little bit of logic to find whether a complete word has been typed or not. A simple soultion would be, when space has been pressed, you can assume a word has been completed. Its very crude logic, as the user may have typed in wrong spelling and want hit backspace and correct the spelling. You may want to add lag to it.
I'm confused by the Shapechanger ability, which seems to be all over the place for different creatures. Here's the description of the ability from the Succubus stat block:Shapechanger. The fiend can use its action to polymorph into a Smallor Medium humanoid, or back into its true form. Without wings, thefiend loses its flying speed.
Other than its size and speed, itsstatistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing orcarrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it diesNormally I'd assume that means she can choose any form at the time she uses the ability- she could become the barkeeper in the tavern, or a small child, or one of the party members- whatever suits her schemes. But contrast that with the Doppelganger, which has slightly different text for the same ability:Shapechanger. The doppelganger can use its action to polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid it has seen, or back into its trueform.The fact that it's different got me wondering why they didn't use the same ability description for both abilities- does that mean the Succubus could shapechange into a humanoid she hasn't seen?Then there's the Slaad, whose ability description in the stat block is identical to the Succubus, but has the following line in their flavor text:Shapechangers.
Arkham horror board game characters. Some slaadi can transform into the humanoid creatures from which they were originally spawned. These slaadi returnto the Material Plane to sow discord in the guise of their formerselves.So that implies they have one form they can change into, even though it's not stated in the stat block- but there are creatures who can only shapechange into a unique form, such as the Jackalwere:Shapechanger.
The jackalwere can use its action to polymorph into aspecific Medium human or a jackal-humanoid hybrid, or back into itstrue form (that of a Small jackal).OK, so since Jackalweres can only transform into a specific humanoid, that implies that everything else can choose ANY humanoid form, right? But then there are Lycanthropes, the classic shapechangers, whose stat block reads:Shapechanger. The wereXXX can use its action to polymorph into a XXX-humanoid hybrid or into a XXX, or back into its true form, whichis humanoid.I'd always assumed that Lycanthropes can only assume one specific form when they change, even though it's not stated in the text- for example, when Stuart the Wereboar Merchant takes his hybrid form, it's half Stuart/half boar, not any half-humanoid boar form. He couldn't become half boar/half Beauregard the Ranger to throw off suspicion, for example. Different creatures, different abilities, different rulesWhile all of these fall under shape-changing, each creature/ability/spell has its own set of rules.This is a great example of specific over general with regard to the ruleset. Shape-changing is a general rule allowing a creature to change their form, while each instances of Shapechange/Polymorph has specific rules that apply.When in doubt, do not apply general rules to a specific creature - just use the requirements and limitations stated for that creature. Creature type vs AbilityDo note that there is a difference in the Creature tag Shapechanger and the ability Shapechanger.
Creature tags are important to determine if certain spells/abilities will affect a specific creature (e.g. Polymorph doesn't work on shapechangers). The Shapechanger ability describes something that a creature can do and is dependent on their stat block with regard to how that ability works (as seen above, different creatures change shape differently.) The SuccubusAs you are looking for specific direction on the (MM, 285) for your campaign, then you need only refer to the specifics of their statblock (emphasis mine):The fiend can use its action to polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid, or back into its true form. Without wings, the fiend loses its flying speed.
Other than its size and speed, its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.Given that there is no requirement for a specific Small or Medium humanoid, it can take the form of any Small or Medium humanoid. Tricksy little fiends (note: they are not of the shapechanger creature tag, but are a fiend as stated in their stat block)! Ok.For a Succubus - it can be ANY Small or Medium Humanoid regardless of having seen them (so, yes, she could become ANYBODY even somebody she hasn't seen).So, yes, she could be a small child, Arthur the barkeep, a fellow party member.For a Doppelganger, similarly, except the added condition of having seen the person to be duplicated.For a Slaad, it can only become it's base character.For Werecreatures, I always thought that they had a distinct humanoid form that they Boris, the werewolf will always revert back to humanoid form as Boris. These are humanoids turned into monsters via a disease (or some other method).Now, however, Boris the Jackalwere (or Wolfwere) is the opposite, they'll revert back to being a jackal (or wolf). Hence, why it specifically states a specific humanoid.
Shapeshifter Flamefusion Net
These are animals who can become humanoid.