Starcraft Widescreen Patch
I'm going to be taking a trip to Virginia in June to play at a music festival, and I'll be bringing my laptop along for the ride for when I'm stuck in the hotel. It's a 1280x800 screen, and I was wondering if anyone knows if I can get StarCraft to display at the correct aspect ratio, or if I'm going to have to deal with the stretching.If anyone one can help, I'd greatly appreciate it.Oh, and the Command and Conquer games, if anyone knows how to fix those too. I have The First Decade. Thanks!' None of you understand.

I'm not locked up in here with you. YOU'RE locked up in here with ME.'
- Walter Kovacs, A.K.A. All i did with 3Danalyze was locate the starcraft.exe and then Storm.dll for the dll file, set up my nVidia refresh rates as 85Hz on all resolutions except 1600x1200 which i set as 100hz, and then saved the batch file, then ran 3danaylze and it worked.edit forgot a step: make sure to check Force 100hz in 3danalyze, that's the only way it works for me. Hopefully you can run 1600x1200 @ 100hz, otherwise i'm not sure how i'd do it lolthe sprites are kind of buggy though, when you do it, and the GUI is way small, it's cool, but i think it's better on 640x480fromit's the ONLY claim of running starcraft past 640x480 anywhere on the net.-for red alert 2. And maybe others too. Go to your gamedir, and edit ra2.ini. Find these lines:VideoScreenWidth=1280ScreenHeight=768StretchMovies=noEdit the values of ScreenWidth and ScreenHeight to set your resolution. Note that RA2 uses 16 bit color, and if your system can handle a specific resolution at 32 bit color but not 16 bit color, RA2 will not run at that resolution.As far as I can tell, setting StretchMovies to yes does absolutely nothing.from.
I am still looking for widescreen fix for the rest of c&c-can't access HWA unless I use a proxy. Lolpfft.f.k that! (almost sounds like work)Mar 09, 2007, 12:29am EST- -Re: StarCraft Brood War Widescreen?
Starcraft 2 Latest Patch
I recently upgraded (and I use the term loosely) to a Viewsonic VX2433wm widescreen monitor. Both Starcraft and Warcraft III display on it as full, stretched-out screens, with no black sidebars to keep things to the proper aspect ratio. Not only does this look like hell, but it makes the game difficult or even impossible to play sometimes.I've been utterly unsuccessful at tracking down a fix for this problem on my own.
Once OpenWrt starts running, it is generally possible to enter failsafe mode with a terminal program attached to the serial port. Either in failsafe mode, or with OpenWrt running in normal mode, it is generally possible to enter commands the same way one would if using ssh over a network. Openwrt table of hardware. This section is aimed at what hardware is needed to communicate with a router or similar OpenWrt device that has a serial connector of some kind from the serial port on a PC. Level conversion Proper serial RS232C ports operate at -12V (logical 1) and +12V (logical 0).

Any suggestions?(running latest versions of both the game and 10.5 Leopard here - video card is a Radeon 9600). The top one is a VGA plug, and the bottom one is DVI (although it may be a different gender depending which end you look at).I can however tell you know that Warcraft cannot be played in 4:3 with black bars. I've been requesting Blizzard fix this for some time now.Starcraft (and Diablo) on the other hand can be played in 4:3 with black bars. By default Starcraft and Diablo utilise the non-stretched display modes. The problem here is that some monitors may override this and stretch it by themselves, which is what yours will be doing. Check in the monitors on screen menus for an option to disable the stretching feature.
This feature is of course dependant on the first question I asked about DVI/VGA. They can, it's just they haven't. Starcraft and Diablo support 4:3 with black bars, Warcraft only uses the non-stretched resolutions listed in the Display control panel.If you like, post a thread in the tech support forum asking why you can't do it. Hopefully Lucytr (a Blizzard rep with knowledge of Macs) will find it and possibly pass it along to the correct department.Be sure to label your thread with a Mac tag so it stands out. As this is's support forum, be careful to word your post as though you are asking for help, otherwise you will be referred to the suggestions forum (commonly know as the suggestions graveyard to many players due to it's apparent inactiveness).