Vb6 Serial Port Sniffer Source Code

Hello,I'm new to.NET. I have an application that is running in VB6.

It sends text through COM1 port to another device.When I converted the VB6 code to.NET the string it sends out is different! I have tried so many things and don't know what to do.

Free port sniffer

Vb6 Source Code Free Download


I found something interesting.when I convert a number using System.Convert.ToChar(X) and sends it through serial the X can only be hex:0 to hex:3F if I want to get the correct value from the other side. Any value greater than hex:3F will not be hex:3F.for example if I sendhex:64 you will get hex:3Fsend hex:E8 you will get hex:3FIt seems like it max out with a 6 bit register value,Please help me correct this mess. Please enter an answer.Send me notifications when members answer or reply to this question.

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